Andrew Whitelegg

Chief Executive Officer

Andrew Whitelegg

Andrew is a highly-motivated team leader with over 20 years’ professional experience in the interior architecture, building and construction industry.

Andrew joined the Board of IA Design in February 2016. He was appointed CEO & Managing Director, after being Managing Principal for NSW since May 2011. Andrew has extensive experience in the building and construction industry, including 15 years in senior roles with Lafarge & Pioneer (Hanson) working on projects which included the Sydney Olympic Stadium and Athletes Village.

Working in both large corporates and SME’s, Andrew is passionate about the strategic alignment of workplace design with organizational strategy that delivers cross functional collaboration and high performance teams. Andrew’s recent experience includes significant major capital works projects, corporate fit out programs for both public and private sector clients.
Andrew has completed a Bachelor Degree in Business Management & Marketing and a post graduate qualification in Strategic Management (INSEAD).

Andrew Whitelegg